Monday, January 14, 2013

Continued Plans

Unfortunately, JT died last fall, after a great fight against cancer, but because JT didn't live to walk on the beach, Dr. Bob's plan to complete his promise to take the trip for him in his father's memory.  When we heard this, we decided to join Dr. Bob on the beach for some quiet time before the public international ceremonies.  We started firming our plans. 
      Ron had always wanted to return to Europe (we had been stationed in Germany in 1970) and spend months there traveling all around.  Joan knew she could not plan a long European trip easily, with the new traveling rules since we were there, and Ron does not do too well with new changes.  However, a three week trip to just two places (Italy -- Anzio beach --  and France – Normandy – is doable. Just remembering two rules:  Do not drive in Paris;  do not drive in Rome.!
    We need to wait 331 days before the trip to make our airline reservations.