Thursday, May 15, 2014


That's it:  TOTAL that we are taking!
We had prepared our European packing into two small rollerboards while still in Seattle, and we took them intact to FL. Meanwhile, Joan had become a Delta Million Miler and was offered special gifts: jewelry or luggage.  She chose the luggage, a very special lightweight small rollerboard, brand of Tumi.    We had not known how quickly it could be delivered, so we had it sent to our friends in Atlanta and they had it for us when we got there.  We then transferred one of the rollerboard contents to that suitcase:  turned out it was MUCH SMALLER even, so we actually culled our stuff even more and mailed some back to Seattle that we would need there this summer, as well as current mail that had been sent from our UPS box and prescription medications that had been sent, again to our friends in Atlanta. 
Easy to get around with.
      This, we were ready to go, with a small rollerboard each (one weighed 23 pounds and one 25 pounds) one carry-on bag and Ron’s CPAC machine.  No laptop, we would use no cell phone (Joan had a Kindle to use for reading as well as emails and Web work) …no purse, no tote bag, just these 4 items.  Easy to get around!  We followed Linda’s advice!

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